Clients say “I want stability and security” and I respond, “That can only happen from within.” True stability and security comes from developing yourself as a human being and thereby not relying on someone else to make you whole. This is the ultimate goal of living this life.
You are struggling, disliking your job, wanting change, being afraid, happy, angry are all ok because all those feelings are part of being alive. You are perfect. You are experiencing life.

And while you cannot control what happens to you, you can control how you respond.

Anytime we believe someone else, an employer or an  partner can keep us stable and safe, we have lost the stability and the security we are seeking. Sorry. That’s the truth.

You want true job security? Develop your skills. Learn how to share the skills you do have in a multitude of ways. Don’t put your skills in a box and call yourself one thing. Remain current and marketable.

Understanding yourself as a functional skill base that can shift and change with life’s surprises is your primary job.