Your Brain on Interviews:

It is human nature. When we feel threatened or scared our brains go into protection mode overwhelming us with the desire to run, freeze or fight. This is an instinctive reaction to potential danger that has been part of our neural network since we were cave people. Now... Is there anything more dangerous than a [...]

You’re not bragging. You’re sharing.

I spend my days revealing to students and clients the best parts of themselves. Helping them to recognize how their uniqueness matters to employers.   As I coach people for their job interviews, preparing them to share their talents with potential employers, clients will often say, “I feel like I’m bragging. It’s so uncomfortable talking [...]

Employment security is an inside job.

Clients say “I want stability and security” and I respond, “That can only happen from within.” True stability and security comes from developing yourself as a human being and thereby not relying on someone else to make you whole. This is the ultimate goal of living this life. You are struggling, disliking your job, wanting [...]

You are not your job but you are your work.

See yourself as a skill set and not as a job title and you will develop a fluidity that will keep you employed for a lifetime. We get stuck on preconceived notions of what we should call ourselves creating a box that traps our creativity and limits our opportunities. Skills are the knowledge and expertise [...]

It’s time to leave your box.

See yourself as a skill set and not as a job title and you will develop a fluidity that will keep you employed for a lifetime. We get stuck on preconceived notions of what we should call ourselves creating a box that traps our creativity and limits our opportunities. Skills are the knowledge and expertise [...]

Are you brave enough?

Committing to a life of meaningful work requires that you form courageous boundaries between you and the people in your life who live in the world of scarcity and deprivation. Out of “love” they may try to encourage that you live inside of safe boxes that ultimately inhibit your creativity and joy. Resist their fears [...]

The perfect job.

Clients want the "perfect" job, but the truth is, there is never a "perfect" situation at work, home or in any relationship we encounter. There will always be struggle; there will always be good days and bad, there will always be crappy co-workers and lousy bosses. And each of those imperfections will be a teaching [...]

It isn’t always easy

You hear it all the time "The truth will set you free" Which is true, but not quite that easy. Your truth sparks others to investigate their own truth and that will piss them off. Your truth may mean losing what you once held precious and that will break your heart. Being truthful leaves you [...]

Are you happy or fulfilled?

“Happiness” is fluid, it’s temporary. Just as any other emotion or state of being, this feeling can ebb and flow based on the moment you are in and the thought you are having. “Fulfillment” is about bringing to realization something you care about. It’s about living, fully, loving deeply and perpetually learning and evolving. The [...]

Gratitude, a word or an action?

It is so easy to become overwhelmed by the negative news.The nature of our reptilian brain is to survive by giving attention to what is dangerous, thereby narrowing our perspectives, our options and ability to create change in our lives. Overtime, we become so focused on surviving that we forget how to enjoy life. Gratitude [...]